The main aim of this study is to know about the Knowledge Management database of TAgricultural Information in the two selective institutions of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, one is the National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research and another is Indian Agricultural Research Institute. The study investigates the various collection and services of the select institutional libraries. The researcher covers both print and non-print media in both physical and virtual spaces. The study found availability of various data repositories, applications and quality initiatives for the knowledge management in the agricultural sector. These resources have a great impact on the extension, education and research in the field of agriculture and has also found the growth and updation of resources in regular frequency. The researcher also observed that the e-form of the resources, collection and services has become a significant part of the library in fulfilling the needs of the students, researchers and teachers, especially in these hard pandemic times when no one can access the institutions' collection physically. This study provides a collection of the various knowledge management databases of agricultural information of the select institutions to those who need and also give information in order to enrich their access and content and to make the knowledge management system more effective.
Knowledge management, Agricultural database, ICAR, Agricultural sciences, Agricultural information.
Unique Paper ID: 1
Publication Volume & Issue: VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 1
Page(s): 1-8