The criminal justice system of a nation is responsible for maintaining its community peace and law and order. However, due to major short comings of the Indian Criminal Justice System, there is a great deal of mental, emotional and financial turmoil. Such short comings makes the common man hostile towards the justice system and makes him lose faith in justice itself. This results in him questioning the foundations of morality itself and resolving in methods of violence. The current pilot study tries to understand the impact of attitude towards the criminal justice system on attitude towards political violence for future research purposes. A sample size of 100 was taken from the Delhi – NCR region of India. Statistical analysis of linear regression was administered. The results rejected the null hypothesis and accepted the alternative hypothesis. There was a significant relationship between the variables. The results suggested an impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. In conclusion, this pilot study will be extended to understand the impact of attitude towards criminal justice on an individual’s concept of morality.
Criminal Justice System, Morality, Political Violence, Terrorism
Unique Paper ID: 1102
Publication Volume & Issue: VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1
Page(s): 41-46