the production of digital documents such as certificates for various individuals has been an Tarduous problem for every organization, particularly educational institutions with thousands of students enrolled and wherein it is required to issue certificates to hundreds of them on a regular basis. This task, particularly, crops up during cultural and technical festivals but is also required for council position holders, project appreciators, society members to name a few. We live in a modern era of technology where individually entering candidate information and then certifying the documents is not a realistic choice. This served as the motivation for us to take this up as a project and hence, we automated this crucial and time taking process, by proposing and building an offline Android application named 'AutoCertiGen' that has the potential to generate thousands of certificates in a matter of minutes, complete with signatures if needed. The only thing the user needs to do is enter the number of certificates to be produced, upload the input details in the form of an Excel file, select the certificate from a list of predefined templates in the application, and add the signatories' relevant data. This is significant because previously no platform in the form of an Android application has been dedicated towards automating this task. The application has been built using Android Studio which is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Google's Android Operating System, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development. Java is used for the backend development of the application while XML is used to design its layout and its Graphic User Interface (GUI). We used Apache POI and Apache PDFBox Java libraries, modified to be Android-compatible, for all development purposes. Moreover, the application is lightweight and does not require internet connectivity for operation. It addresses the problem at hand with just a few taps on a touchscreen
Certificate, electronic, automate, Android, signature, Excel, template, Apache
Unique Paper ID: 14
Publication Volume & Issue: VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 1
Page(s): 61-73