The paper focuses on the awareness and the attitudes of the respondents across various demographic, and socioeconomic variables in the major cities of India. The data were collected using a descriptive survey questionnaire. The survey was conducted by undergraduate students under supervision to give a first-hand understanding of the subject, enabling them to put their learnings into practice and gain new research skills in the field of environment. The findings aim at simplifying the awareness of the public on solid household waste management, and in addressing the grievances related to open dumping grounds in their vicinity. The collected data were inferred using frequency, percentage, chi-square, descriptive statistical analysis and correlations tests. The study shows a significant relationship between awareness, practice, and attitudes (APA) to age, gender, occupation and the source of information to the respondents. The study aims to investigate and comprehend the factors that facilitate the knowledge and participation of the respondents. Moreover, their satisfaction level and willingness to participate in paying for their services towards waste management. The findings of the paper validate the importance of awareness through education, campaigns and mediain people's awareness of waste segregation and recycling, and in leading their behaviour towards waste disposal, and willingness to participate in various solid household waste (SHW) awareness programs.
Awareness, Solid-household waste, Waste segregation, Pearson test, Spearman test.
Unique Paper ID: 25
Publication Volume & Issue: VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 1
Page(s): 7-14