An extensive survey was performed to investigate awareness of beverage and soft drink packaging among consumers. Foods and beverages are generally packed in glass, metal, multi-layered paper and plastic containers. During recent decades, the use of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers has been increased not only for packing beverages but also for other foods products. Easy availability, low cost, diversity are the few reasons for the excessive use of plastic in the packaging industry. Keeping in mind the importance of plastic, one cannot deny the fact that it has a direct relationship with human health and bioenvironmental issues. The survey deals with consumer’s awareness in the field of plastic packaging, alternatives to plastic and the effect of plastics on the environment. This research discusses the different types of plastic packaging they have observed in the market. It also deals with the reasons for their preference towards plastic knowing about its ill effects on the environment. The survey helps to understand the awareness about the alternative packaging among the respondents and the suitable alternative that they prefer for plastics. This analysis also discusses the knowledge of single use plastic among them. Further, this research attempts to analyze the role of few demographics like age, educational qualification on the consumer’s awareness. Finally, the researchers have tried to inspect the trend of plastic packaging in the beverage industry and consumers' awareness in respect of advantages and disadvantages of plastic packaging. Moreover, the appropriate alternative for packing was investigated from the consumer's viewpoint.
Packaging, Beverage, Soft drinks, Health Impacts, Awareness
Unique Paper ID: 48
Publication Volume & Issue: VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 3
Page(s): 1-13