The study assessed the ego defense mechanisms and five factors of personality among adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists and examined the connection among level of adaptiveness in "perfectionism", ego defense mechanisms and five factors of personality. The initial sample consisted of 270 young adult males and females who were administered "Almost Perfect Scale-Revised". Based on the “discrepancy” scores obtained on the “Almost Perfect Scale-Revised”, the final sample consisted of 34 adaptive and 34 maladaptive young adult male and female perfectionists. The two other tests administered to the final sample were “Defense Style Questionnaire” (DSQ) and "Ten Item Personality Inventory" (TIPI). A far greater percentage of maladaptive (86%) than adaptive (14%) perfectionists were found in the present study. Maladaptive perfectionists showed significantly greater use of immature and obsessional ego-defense mechanisms and significantly lower conscientiousness and emotional stability. Immature and moderate ego-defense styles and low conscientiousness were the significant predictors of maladaptive “perfectionism”. The present study partially supported the link of maladaptive “perfectionism” with ego-defense styles and five factors of personality. A far greater percentage of maladaptive perfectionists and their high scores on use of immature, moderate, and obsessional ego defense styles and their low conscientiousness and emotional stability is indicative of a need for intervention programs that help individuals to acquire adaptive “perfectionism”.
Perfectionism, Adaptive, Maladaptive, Ego-defense Styles, Immature and Mature Ego Defense Styles, Five Factors of Personality.
Unique Paper ID: 61
Publication Volume & Issue: VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1
Page(s): 27-35