In the paper, the story Ashok ki Kahani, written by Krishna Kumar (2008), is framed within the New Literacy Studies to begin thinking of literacy as a social practice, by which it means it is contested and negotiated, therefore not neutral and universal. One of the fundamental questions that the story raises is – Who should be blamed for Ashok's failure? The paper attempts to respond to this question by trying to understand Ashok's literacy journey within the socio-political context? Three primary characters are closely examined – Ashok, the teacher as well as the surveyors from education department – but the paper also looks at the role of Ashok's father who is mentioned in passing to argue that literacy cannot be seen without the power relations that operate on all those engaged in the given context. Ashok ki Kahani offers a window to study present classroom practices in the socio-historical political context.
New Literacy Studies, ideological model of literacy, early literacy, pedagogy of reading and writing, drop out
Unique Paper ID: 76
Publication Volume & Issue: VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 2
Page(s): 18-22